Saturday, August 29, 2015

Taking it Easy in Mammoth Hot Springs. 3rd Day

Saturday August 29, 2015    Day 32     Yellowstone N.P.  Mammoth Campground, site 46   3rd day

We started our day with the bull elk bulging elk on the ridge above the campground.
The bull elk bulging elk on the ridge above the campground.

The bull elk bulging elk on the ridge above the campground zoomed in.
There is a trail from the campground that takes us up the hill to Mammoth Hot Springs.  We took the trail and went to the Albright Visitor Center.  It was very interesting with dioramas of the wildlife of Yellowstone.  Afterwards we went on a walk around the old army buildings built in 1891 that are currently used as residences.  When Yellowstone became a national park, there was no national park service and they needed to control poaching and homesteading in the park, so they built a fort at Mammoth. 

Top of the Trail
North end of campground taken from top of hill.  Our trailer is farthest one to the left.

Officers quarters.

Bull just hanging our in someone's yard
 We had new neighbors in site 47.  Looked like a young couple.  The girl was wearing a long skirt.  It turned out to be a mother and son.  Jill and her son, Chance.  She was kind of hippyish.  They were walking by and asked me about what I was powering with the solar panel.  It was about two hours later they left our site.  We chatted with them about everything.  They were interesting and very enjoyable people.  Her son, Chance, was talented in many ways.  He was a woodworker and excellent photographer, a machinist, and he was studying mechanical engineering in college.  Jill home schooled all her kids, and her entire family was vegetarian.  What an interesting couple they were.

After a burgers for supper we took a ride over to Obsidian Creek near the Indian Creek Campground.  It is easy water to fish for small brook trout and you can fish it without getting in the river.  It is one of the only places in the park where live bait is allowed for children, so they too, can catch fish.  I went there with Marsha just to mess around and show Marsha what it’s like to catch fish on a fly.  When we got there the wind was howling.  It was hard to cast and it was a cold wind.  I kept loosing flies and got tangled up a few times.  I didn’t have my act together.  I never did catch anything.  We were there only about ½ hour and came back to the campground.  There was no wind here. 

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