Monday, August 3, 2015

Mountain Park

Monday August 3, 2015      Day 6             Roosevelt National Forest, Mountain Park N.F.C.G., site 42
148 Miles

We left a nearly empty campground at Sterling State Park at 08:00.  But we didn’t leave yet.   We stopped at the dump station on the way out to dump tanks and take on water.  We have a flushing connection on the black water tank that squirts water out of nozzles to help flush stuff out.  If no one is in line behind us we’ll take the time to refill it to 60% and dump again, twice.  We also topped off the fresh water tank.  So it was 08:30 before we hit the road. 

But, we still had to go to Walmart again.  We got home with our groceries last night and found out we didn’t have the Miracle Whip, milk, and sunscreen we bought.  Must have left a bag at the store.  They believed our story (which was true and we had a receipt) and they let us replenish those items with no hassle.  Now it’s 09:00.

Backtracked the same road, CO-14, we came home on last night.  Across the Pawnee National Grassland, through the same one lane construction that went on for miles, and the same congestion through Ft. Collins.  Got to the campground at 12:30.  Got a couple of pictures of the grassland.

 Tried to take a nice photo of the truck
antenna but the stupid sign got in the background
Miles and miles of this
Followed by miles and miles of this
We drove through the Poudre Canyon and what scenery and rock formations there were.  The Cache la Poudre river follows the road, or vice versa (the river was there first).  Got a couple of pictures of the canyon, on the way in.


Here’s a picture of a sign.  I know you missed not having one for a few days.

Here’s our campsite right on the river. 

I can walk down to the water and fish.  (Not necessarily catch them).  It is a beautiful site.   There are four loops here.  Two on the water, and two along the mountain behind us.  The water sites are non-electric, the other two loops are.  We chose this beautiful water site.  It was a double site which means you pay the equivilent of two sites.  Each site is $20 so we paid $40/night.  It is worth it.  I don’t get the geezer park pass discount on this either.  But we love this site and will pay $80 to stay here for two nights.

Here’s a picture of a bird we saw flying and hopping around our campsite.  I looked it up.  It is a Steller’s Jay, related to blue jays, but lives in the Rockys and west.  I have a bird app. on my computer that helps me identify birds.  It even plays their songs.

We have no data or cell connection here so you are reading this a few days after I wrote it.  Here is a picture of my office as is currently set up. 

I tried fishing.  No luck.  I went up the road to several spots and turnoffs and tried my luck from standing on the rocks on shore.  I was gone about 1.5 hours.  This river is fast and difficult to get a good, drag free drift, which is very important in flyfishing.  I will spend more time tomorrow honing my skills at this fine sport.

Time for a campfire.


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