Monday, August 10, 2015

2nd Day at Lodgepole National Forest Campground

Monday August 10, 2015       Day 13      Lodgepole N.F.C.G.   2nd Day

It seems that recently my posts haven’t been that exciting.  Compared to last year’s bear, elk, antelope, and sheep pictures, the best I can do recently is bunny rabbits.  But I missed a good chance during the Hog Canyon hike on Saturday.  We found a small lizard laying on a rock in the middle of the trail.  He must have been about 3” long.  I’ve never seen one that small.  A giant grasshopper jumped within about 6” of it and the two were facing off.  I expected a wrestling match and we were waiting to see what would happen.  There was no way the lizard could eat the grasshopper and as far as I know, grasshoppers don’t attack lizards.  Then out of nowhere, a black lab came running up the path and scared the lizard and the grasshopper.  Wish I had a picture.  It was funny to watch.  When we get to Tetons, Yellowstone, and Glacier I expect it will be more exciting than lizards and grasshoppers.  We do see a lot of mule deer around here and the campground has bear warnings to practice bear camping like don’t leave food out, etc.  But they have conventional trash facilities, not bear proof and there are no food lockers for tenters, so I don’t know how serious the bear threat is.  There are no grizzly bears in CO or UT, but they have black bears.

Our trailer got down to 45o last night and the outside temperature was 39o.  Used all the blankets we had to keep warm.  Fired up the furnace to warm us up.  It doesn’t work so well at the high elevation.  It kept going out and we thought we may be out of gas.  We’ve been having problems lighting the stove at times and my grill goes out now and then.  But that’s normal at higher elevation because orifice sizes are based on elevation to get the right air fuel mixture.  The gas appliance work, but not as well.

I called Showalter Ford this morning about my oil change/purge valve appointment and they said they would take me in at 3:00.

So in the mean time, we took a ride up to Dutch John in the Flaming Gorge National Recreational Area and then a county road that takes us 9 miles downstream of the dam spillway.  There is trailhead to a path that follows the river bank for 7 miles.  All along this path the river can be fly fished by wading all the way back to the dam.  We saw a few fly anglers there.  There is a boat launch there for drift boats and raft expeditions.  May return there to fly fish, depending on how the next few days turn out.
Green River looking downstream from overlook

Marsha on the trail next to the Green River
Green River looking downstream from access.
Here is some cattail looking plants on the side of the river.
After checking out the Green River access, we drove north on US-191 towards the Wyoming border.  A spur called Antelope Flat had an overlook of the gorge and a campground there.  There was road construction through that section and we were unable to access it.  We turned around before we got to the Wyoming border and headed back.  We backtracked to the junction with UT-44 towards Manilla.  Another designated scenic highway.  We turned down another spur that leads to the canyon and stopped at Red Canyon Lodge to have some lunch at the restaurant.  It was nice, but pricey, as expected.  We continued down the road a ways and drove around the Rim campground and looked out over the gorge.  Took some pictures.

By now it was time to get back.  We had an hour drive to Vernal for the truck appointment.  Made it there on time.  Discussed my issue with the service manager and he had heard of this problem before and warned me that it may not be present right now and all the diagnosis and codes may not show anything.  That turned out to be the case, but I told him I’d like to replace it anyway and he agreed with me that it was the right thing to do.  But he didn’t have one in stock and could get one from Salt Lake City by tomorrow.  I told him OK.  I will need to check with him in the morning.

Then on to do laundry.  Found a nice place to do it.  They had a section of washers and driers for “Greasy Only” for the local oil workers.  They were banished from the other washer and driers.  The larger washers had signs for “No Horse Blankets”.  We were OK because we didn’t have any horse blankets. 
Reflection of Ed taking picture of laundry in washing machine

Then did some grocery shopping at the supermarket which happened to be across the street.

Got back about 07:00.  Made some steaks and baked potatoes on the grill.  By then it was 08:30 and getting dark.  I made a fire and we sat out until about 10:00 and admired the stars in the moonless sky.  Looked at the sky with the Nikons and the sky explodes with stars.  If you’ve never looked at the night sky with binoculars, try it.  It will amaze you how many stars you can’t see.  In the eighties I made a 6” reflector telescope and for a few years was really into amateur astronomy.





  1. Don't forget Wednsday night is the start of the Persoids meteorite shower.. 3am here!
