Sunday, August 23, 2015

Last Day at Glacier National Park

Sunday August 23, 2015   Day 26   Glacier National Park, Two Medicine Campground, site 99  4th day
It’s been a while, so today had to be laundry day.  We packed up all our clothes, towels, and bedding.  A pretty big load.  After a brief breakfast of milk and cereal, we headed into the town of East Glacier Park, 10 miles away.  It is where East Glacier Lodge is located across from the train station.  We had discovered a laundromat next to a somewhat vacant campground a few blocks from the center of town.  We filled up 5 washers.  They were small though.  I'm sorry I don't have a picture of the washing machine like I did in Vernal, UT.

After completing the laundry it was about noon and a good time to grab something to eat.  We went into the East Glacier Lodge to see what they had.  The burgers were $16-$18 in the dining room and a few dollars cheaper in the lounge.  Both places offered beautiful views of the mountains while dining, but we decided to check out some of the little mom and pop places in town.  We settled on the “World Famous” Whistle Stop (their words).  We were waited on by a Swedish maiden.  It took a long time to get our food, but when it finally came, it was really good.  I had buffalo burger with mushrooms and Swiss.  Marsha had barbequed pork sandwich. 
After lunch we went over to East Glacier Lodge and grabbed a picnic table on the front lawn where I was able to complete the blog for the trip to Holland Lake.  I am so behind in my postings because of lack of internet.  It’s not like writing an email.  I have to upload and insert the pictures and it has to be done with an internet connection.  When there is nothing but mountains and forests with tiny little towns along the way, there isn’t much internet availability.  It would be different if we were motel campers.  I am not complaining.  We like the remote wilderness so it’s a price we pay.

Ed, hard at work getting the blog out.

By now it was almost 2:30 and we headed back to the campground.  Put away our giant bag of laundry and Marsha struggled trying to make the king size bed, surrounded by walls on three sides.  I did my part.  I put the pillows in the pillow cases.  And, I made sure the tag on the pillow was on the bottom.

While Marsha was showering, I cleaned up and organized the back of the truck.  I have firewood I’ve been hauling around since I left Lodgepole, back in Utah.  Didn’t burn any in the Tetons and everywhere we have been since won’t let us burn firewood.  All firewood here is the same.  It’s usually lodgepole pine.  It’s very dry and splits with a pocket knife.  (just kidding, I use my hatchet).

Packed up some Brussel sprouts (Marsha likes them) in foil with oil and Old Bay seasoning and salmon with Rub with Love rub.  Ran out of Marsha"s home made Greek yogurt so I couldn’t make my special dill sauce.  While dinner was grilling, I strung up the 4 wt. and cast to the little bitty fish in the lake arm in front of the campsite and managed to catch one right away.  Marsha took a picture.  It was the size of a smelt.  But I knew that’s what I would get and was just playing around.

This is a 16" rainbow trout, but the focal length of
the camera lens distorted the image
and made it look smaller than it was.
The highlight of the day was the evening program put on by the ranger.  It was about mountain goats from the perspective of a mountain goat.  It was so funny how it was presented.  He pulled out a Childs cassette player (budget cuts) and played a strip-tease song while he took off his ranger clothes.  Underneath was a goat suit and he put on a goat hat and horns.  It was hilarious.  Then he told the story of his life as a goat from the moment he was born.  There was lots of humor and he had us all laughing.  It was also extremely informative.  Best ranger presentation I have ever been to.

The ranger dressed as a mountain goat
after stripping off his ranger outfit.
We finished packing up the chairs, installed the hitch, put the generator and cord away, and got ready to an early start tomorrow.  We are heading towards Yellowstone tomorrow, about 350 miles away.

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