Saturday, August 15, 2015

Last Day at Sacajawea Campground

Saturday August 15, 2015     Day 18       Sacajawea N.F.C.G. 3rd day

Another long relaxed morning.  Had rained all night and everything was cold and wet.  I had sawed up some wood that was stacked by the fire ring into usable lengths with the bow saw I carry with me as part of my firewood maintenance arsenal.  I also carry bellows for blowing on the fire, a really good butane fire lighter, a hatchet for spitting, and a splitting maul for the big stuff.  Haven’t had to use it on this trip.  I spent about a half hour sawing last night only to have it rained on.  I made a fire out of the store bought stuff I had in the truck to get it going, then added the stuff gathered locally.  I made these great fire starters out of sawdust, cardboard egg cartons we get from Grasfield’s Farm, and paraffin.  Sawdust is easy for me to come by.  Woodworking is my hobby and I have 55 gallon trash bags of it.  All oak.  Put the sawdust in the egg cartons, melt the paraffin over it, and cut into squares.  They work great!

Made an onion, green pepper, and ham scramble for breakfast.

After breakfast we took a ride up to Middle Pine Lake.  It is the source of the creek running by the campground.  There were only five sites there and they were all taken.  It is not recommended to haul trailers up that road, but four of the five sites had camping trailers.  It was a beautiful lake as you can see.
Middle Piney Lake, 3 miles from Sacagawea campground.

There is also quite a few turn offs with trailers boon docking.  We have noticed that in some areas of the national forests out here.  Sacajawea only cost us $3.50 per night with our senior pass.  We could camp for free if we didn’t use the trash (bear proof I may add), or the water.  I also took Marsha for a ride to the location where I fished yesterday.  No matter where you go around here, it is beautiful scenery and always changing.  The weather is very mild with 60’s ad 70’s during the day, and 40’s at night.  Very pleasant.

Got back and had sandwiches for lunch after which I went fishing where I did yesterday.  It was a bright sunny day by then.  Fished for two hours and caught to small fish on a dry fly.  Later on caught a cutthroat on a bead head hare’s ear nymph (yes, that’s the real name of the fly) drifted through a deep pool.  That was it.  Still had a good time.  I was out in a beautiful place for the afternoon and had some success.

While I was fishing, heard some weird cattle noises.  Sort of like mooing, but also other noises, almost like Canada geese.  Then I saw where it was coming from.  There were two bulls not far from the shore where I was standing in the river.  I didn’t know if I needed to worry, because I don’t know much about bulls, except the ones chasing people in Spain.  One of them was interested in me and kept staring at me.  I ignored him and hoped he would go away.  They finally wandered off, but he kept making his weird noises. 

Got back to camp at 16:30.  Made dinner by cooking some potatoes cut as wedges the long way, mixed with butter and onion, wrapped in foil on the grill.  The other course was salmon with a yogurt dill sauce.  Also made on the grill.  The salmon, not the dill sauce.

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