Saturday, July 2, 2016

White Pass - Yukon Rail Trip

Yukon-White Pass Railroad

Day 14    Tuesday June 28, 2016                                       Whitehorse, Pioneer RV Park, site 119   day 3

Yukon & White Pass Railway day

Before leaving on the bus at 08:30, stopped into the office to re-up for two more nights beyond our checkout date.  I know it will take several days to cure me and I am in no shape to drive.  Our ultimate goal is the Arctic Circle and it will take about 3 or 4 days to cover the 600 miles from here to Eagle Plains. 

Did everything I said we would yesterday, like stopping at Carcross, YT for a walk around.  Took some pictures of the village and some of the scenery on the way.

Then to Fraser, BC where we boarded the train to Skagway, AK.

In Skagway we had two hours to kill.  Marsha found a yarn store and bought some more.  All the eating places had long lines.  We found a place that didn’t.  Wasn’t hungry because loss of appetite, but ordered a bowl of soup.  Wasn’t very good.  Marsha had a not very good Reuben with a cup of not so good soup on the side.  Maybe that's why there was no line.

It was nice to get back on the bus and head back to the campground.  This ride was also scenic.

Back at the campground, I immediately crashed.  By then the flu had taken hold of me.

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