Thursday, July 7, 2016

Recovering in Whitehorse, YT

Day 15     Wednesday June 29, 2016                                                                           Whitehorse, Day 4

I did too much yesterday for having early flu systems.  I woke up this morning a wreck.  No ambition to do anything other than lay in bed all day.  So I did.  It was a nice day and Marsh was outside sitting under the awning, knitting her sock.  I need to tell you more about Marsha’s sock knitting, but later.  I tried to sit outside with her for a while, but lasted about 15 minutes and back to bed I went.

Continued the Alka-Seltzer flue medicine all day and night.  I ate a little bit of soup a dinner time, but not much.  No appetite.  However, I’ve been drinking lots and lots of water.  At least 4 quarts per day.  Feel very dehydrated.

Took aspirin in the evening hoping to alieve my lower back pain caused by lying in bed too much.  It helped a little.  But I never slept all night or all day for that matter.

Day 16        Thursday June 30, 2016                                                                                 Whitehorse, Day 5

I slept in all day.  I should say, I stayed in bed all day.  Still drinking lots and lots of water. Probably my worst day.

 Marsha went back into Whitehorse to get me some Tylenol Flue medicine.  The Alka-Seltzer had stuff for colds, sinus, cough, and sore throat, in addition to flu symptoms.  So we got something that concentrated on flu symptoms.  She also bought a thermometer that showed I had a fever of 102.6 F.  She also went to town to wash the T-shirts, pajama bottoms, fleece, and pillow cases, that I sweated up last night.  While in Whitehorse, she visited the yarn shop that was closed when we got there on Monday.  She got her yarn she wanted.

I got up long enough to eat a bologna sandwich as my daily meal.  I’m in no shape to leave here so we canceled our July 2 Eagle Plains Motel reservations and left them open for when I get better.  Cannot plan when I will be ready to head north.

Day 17       Friday July 1, 2016                                                                                           Whitehorse, day 6

Took my new drugs at appropriate intervals all night.  Worked somewhat and I got a few hours sleep, the most I’ve had in days.  I was feeling a little more energetic, but still dizzy, thirsty, still getting the shivers, and hot sweats.
I changed my T-shirts three times last night because they were wet, as was the bed sheets.  Marsha packed up all the bedding on my side, plus the fleece I used to lay on over the wet spot, plus the towels I sheltered myself with from the wet top sheet and went to the laundry in town and washed them.

When she returned we took my temperature and it was reading normal.  I was so happy.  Feeling much better, but still getting chills.  Appetite slowly returning.  This afternoon was a turnaround.  Had a cup of soup for dinner.

I worked most of the afternoon catching up with the blog drafts and picture sorting.  Posted the day 11 blog.

Day 18  Saturday July 2, 2016                                                                                       Whitehorse, YT day 7

I took no flue drugs last night.  But I did take one of Marsha’s pain pills for my lower back pain from being in bed too much over the last four or five days.  I slept really well until I woke up soaking wet again.  Changed my T-shirt three times during the night and used the same protective items to shield me from the wet sheets.  Packed up the wet sheets and the other items again and laundered them again!  I slept almost the entire night, except for getting up to waterproof myself.
I had breakfast this morning.  Marsha made me scrambled eggs.  It was nice to want to eat again.

I accompanied Marsha to town to the laundromat (her 3rd time this week).  We used a $5 washer which came with instructions as to how to put the coins in the washer to make $5.

This was my first time out of the campground since Monday.  I felt well enough that we went ahead and booked our trip to the Arctic Circle.  Made July 4th reservations at the Eagle Plains Motel.  I will actually spend July 4th at the Arctic Circle!  We also made reservations in a Dawson City RV park for July 3, 4, & 5.  We are not taking our trailer up the unpaved Dempster Highway for 250 miles.
Back at the campground, the new, ambitious Ed went to the meeting room to use their WiFi to try to get some more posts out.  I got one out and almost another and the WiFi allotment ran out when I was about 15 minutes away from being caught up.

This was our last night here.  Tomorrow we are headed up to Dawson City, the center of the Yukon gold rush of 1896.  We prepared the trailer for takeoff.  Connected up and went to dump station so we would have to hassle with it in the morning.  Stayed connected for an early start.
What a week it was.  I was so sick.  Now Ed’s back.PaPa

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