Saturday, July 9, 2016

Dawson City Across the Yukon to Yukon River Campground

Day 22   July 6, 2016                                                 Yukon River YT Government Campground, site 35

3.2 miles

We had to checkout at 11:00 from the Gold Bonanza RV Park, but still planned to stay in the area one more day.  There is a campground called the Yukon River Campground run by the Yukon government.  We have to ferry over there and set up.  We wanted to leave the next day for Tok, Alaska via the Top of the World Highway.

There is some sight seeing we were interested in doing in Dawson City yet.  One attraction is Dredge #4.  It’s an old gold dredge that was used in the early 1900’s all the way to the ‘50’s.  It is a huge machine that floats and has a huge conveyor with scoops that scoop material from the river bottom, puts in on another conveyor that shakes the gold out of it, and throws the rest out the back as tailings.  We got there at 09:00 but it didn’t open until 10:00.  That was too late for us because we had to check out by 11:00.  We took some pictures though.

We connected the trailer and prepared for departure.  Drove to the ferry landing only to find a line of 13 RV’s in front of us.  We got there at 10:00 and did not get across until 13:00. 

All loaded up with several motorhomes.

This is a nice free service provided by the Yukon government.,

Coming in from the other side.  He's fighting a current and comes up-river and at the last minute, turns 90 degrees and beaches the front and drops the ramp down onto the shore.  There is no dock!

Looking back at the remaining line after we got underway.

This is what a 3-hour line for the ferry looks like.

Sitting in the truck, crossing the Yukon.

Approaching the opposite shore.

The campground is right on the other side of the river.  We got a nice site adjacent to the river.  Only $12 CAD.  We are staying one night.  We did not want to deal with the ferry anymore and stayed at the campground the rest of the day.  Made some nice burgers and laid low all afternoon.  Later took a walk around the whole campground.  It is a nice campground and I would stay there again.

Site 35, right on the Yukon river.

A Yukon picnic table.  All wet from raining all afternoon,

This tourist boat was going up and down the river all afternoon.

Tomorrow we take the Top of the World Highway and will end up in Tok, Alaska.  After three weeks on the road, 16 days in Canada, we will finally enter Alaska.

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