Friday, July 8, 2016

Back to Dawson City

Day 21    July 5, 2016                                                              Gold Bonanza RV Park, 74B, 3rd night

Today we got to do the Dempster Highway backwards as we make our way south to Dawson City to rejoin our trailer that spent the night alone at the Gold Bonanza RV Park.

It was a nice day in Eagle Plains and we got up pretty early.    They actually have cable TV there with one channel which was a news channel.  The Canadian Post workers are going on stike.

We had breakfast in the dining room.  The food was great again.  Had a bacon, cheddar, mushroom omelet. Outside, there were a couple of bicyclist getting ready to leave and take the highway south.  They were dropped off and Inivuk and are taking the Dempster down to Dawson City.  We met a woman from Switzerland yesterday northbound.  30 miles later, she showed up at the Eagle Plains motel.  She’s alone on a five-month trip around Canada.

I gassed the truck at a 1970’s vintage gas pump and we were on our way at 08:00.  Saw no wildlife at all.  It was sunny most of the way except for the last few hours, when it started raining as we entered the Oglivie Mountains.  As we hit Dawson City, it rained very hard just as we reached the campground.  I topped off the gas tank and then went over to the RV wash to squirt down the truck to get the Dempster Highway off it. 

By then, the rain died down and I made some hot dogs for supper.  What an end to a wonderful adventure.  I do have some pictures for you.

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