Tuesday, July 26, 2016


Day 37   Thursday July 21, 2016                 Cantwell, AK     Cantwell RV Park, site 30
64 miles,   9.5 mpg

As much as we enjoyed Denali State Park, we wanted to get closer to Denali National Park so we could get there early on our first day.  We made some reservations at Cantwell RV Park in Cantwell, AK.  It was about an hour south of the Denali National Park Entrance. 

It gave us a place to shower, stock up on firewood, and had 4g LTE data signal so we could catch up on our blogs.  We wouldn’t get the chance for at least 3 days in Denali. 

We took our time while still at the state park to complete a few blog drafts to get them ready to post when we set up in Cantwell.  We left the site at 11:30 and dumped tanks and filled fresh water.  Noticed gas gauge was less than ¼ full when I left and I got nervous.  Gas stations aren’t very close around here and the next one is 60 miles away.  I quit worrying when the gas gauge indicated slightly above ¼ tank and it said I had 143 miles to empty.  The truck had been parked on somewhat of a downhill slope overnight and made the gauge read lower than it was.  Filled up in Cantwell with $3.26 gas.  Gas in Fairbanks is $2.75

Cantwell is a small town, even by Alaska standards, at the junction of the Parks Highway and the Denali Highway.  Cantwell RV Park is a gravel parking lot where they stuck posts in the ground every 12 feet with a faucet and electric box to delineate the site boundaries.  It is not the type of place we would normally stay at.  The bathrooms and showers are immaculately clean and they had a laundry (we didn’t need at this time).  Their wood was $6.00 for eight pieces.  A bargain for Alaska.  And a weird way to price it.  The wood was cottonwood, not really good for firewood, but that’s what’s usually sold here.

Cantwell RV Park(ing lot), site 30

We got a lot done during the afternoon, both in posting and writing drafts.  I really enjoy doing this blog, but it is easy to get behind.

The weather was misty and rainy this morning and we cancelled having a fire with our coffee.  We got a lot of work done instead.  It was misty and rainy most of the way here, but was clearing up a little as we got closer.  We got some pictures.

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