Thursday, July 21, 2016

Valdez to Tolsona

Day 32  Saturday July 16, 2016                                             Tolsona Wilderness Campground, site #4
134 miles towing            11.5 mpg

When I returned from the Lu-Lu Belle trip last night, I had a fever of 101.5o F.  As I mentioned, it seems like I’m trying to get sick again, although not as bad as before.  I was quite exhausted when I got back.  But none of that prevented me from fully enjoying the Lu-Lu Belle trip.
This morning my temperature was back to normal.

Today we were going to travel back up the Richardson Highway to the Glenn Highway Junction and stay a night at the Tolsona Wilderness Campground.  It would be the fourth night we have stayed there.  We will be headed towards Seward after Tolsona.
Before leaving Valdez Glacier Campground, took a picture of our campsite, the mountain as seen from our site, with the waterfall running down it, and a shot of the Valdez Glacier.  We have no pictures on the ride home.

Our campsite was very large, but we spent little time there.

This picture was taken from our campsite.  We
could hear the waterfall all day and night.

The Valdez Glacier a few miles past the campground.
We did see a bald eagle flying up the road ahead of us and it turned when we caught up to it.  It had some kind of rodent like a chipmunk in its claws.  No picture.
The Wrangell Mts. were clouded in and we were unable to take any pictures better than the ones we've already taken along here.

We arrived at Tolsona Wilderness Campground at 15:00 and was assigned site 4.  My fever had risen to 101+.  Needed rest.
We both took showers in their nice facility.

Tomorrow is another travel day so we stayed hooked up with the stabilizers down.

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