Thursday, August 4, 2016

More Grayling Fishing

Day 48 Monday August 1, 2016               Tolsona Wilderness RV Park, day 2
0 towing miles

Today is our free day here.  We have stayed a total of four nights on since we’ve been in Alaska and the RV Park awards you with a free night after that to be used anytime.  We chose to use it now, a $35 value.

We had no big plans for the day except to enjoy the beautiful campsite with the Tolsona Creek running by.  Fly-fishing for grayling was the main agenda for the day.

After the usual coffee and cinnamon roll fire, and egg salad sandwiches for breakfast, I suited up in my fly-fishing uniform. 

I walked up river a little beyond the campground to a “secret” bend in the river that the owner of the RV park told me about.  I got two nice ones out of there and some small ones.  I actually did better at my other hole I fished in last night.  So I went back there and Marsha sat on the bank and watched me catch 9”-10” grayling and took some pictures catching two of the fish I caught there while she was there.

 I caught a couple other nice ones before she got there and took a photo of one when I was by myself, but this is hard to do.

He's about 8".  One of the smaller ones.
 We just had some sandwiches for lunch and then took a ride to Tolsona Lake, the headwaters of the Tolsona Creek.  There is a road 3 miles east of the campground road called Tolsona Lake Road and we took it.  When we got there, there was a bunch of run-down plywood cottages, junk cars, trailer houses, a few nice cottages mixed in, an old run-down resort, and abandoned construction equipment here and there, but we couldn’t find a public launch site. 

One of the nicer places.

Quite a few of these old trailer houses around.

This place ain't bad.

A common site around Alaska.

An abandoned snowmobile and van from the 70's

One of the original cabins here, I'm sure.  Another Alaskan feature, 
they put dirt on the roof and grow grass and other plants.
It was a pretty lake, but had a lot of junky cottages around it.  So we left and went back to the campground.

We sat out and ate some munchies.

The I cooked some baked potatoes and some burger patties and totally screwed it up.  The burgers were overcooked and the potatoes were undercooked.  But we ate everything anyway.  I’ve done some pretty good grillin’ on this trip, but really messed up this time.

Went back to my favorite spot afterwards and picked up three more nice grayling.

It was another great day in Alaska and another great day at the Tolsona Wilderness RV Park.  It was a bad day for the grayling in Tolsona Creek.

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