Monday, August 15, 2016

Haines, AK Chilkoot Lake State Park, day 2

Day 60 Saturday August 13, 2016                          Haines, AK         Chilkoot Lake S.P day 2
0 miles towing

Got up last night to check out the possibility of northern lights.  It was overcast.  But to my amazement, it was totally dark outside.  The first time I’ve seen darkness at night in over a month.  It looked like normal night.  It may have something to do with the fact that we were 3o further south than we were in Tok and it’s later in the year.  It’s the first time we’ve gotten below the 60th parallel since entering the we were at Watson Lake YT campground on June 25th.
It rained the entire day here with no letup.  We stayed inside most of the day and did what we always do when we are couped up inside.  We worked on our blogs and pictures.  I make it sound like this is a chore, but we enjoy it.  But it has to be balanced.  On a gloomy rotton day like today, might as well use the day for productivity.

When we got our drafts done and pictures selected we went into Haines to the library to use their public WiFi.  There were a lot of people in there doing what we were doing, blogging, reading emails, paying bills, researching campgrounds, etc.  I posted the Congdon Creek post from there.
On the way into town we took some photos on the way.

This ship was at anchor in the middle of the inlet for the two days
that we were there.  It looked like a ghost ship this morning.  You
can't make out the mountains on the other side of the inlet.

The small boat harbor in downtown Haines.

The town of Haines as seen from the road into town.
Just another shot of the rainy, foggy road that went into Haines
from the campground.  This road hugs the edge of Lutik Inlet.
We headed back to the campground 9 miles away so Marsha could get some munchies to hold her over until dinner.  She didn’t eat breakfast and it was early afternoon. 
Went to a restaurant called the Fireweed which is in the old Seward Fort area, a historic part of town.  It had the highest ratings on Yelp and Trip Advisor.  They are known for their pizza, but they had lots of other stuff that was really good.  We had pizza.  We could have 10” or 21” with no in between.  We got the 21” knowing there would be leftovers, even with Ed there.  We had the best pizza of the trip.  And we each had a glass of beer from the Haines Brewery.

The weather was improving somewhat and we got some pictures of the Lutik Inlet and the river and lake.
Compare this picture with the one taken this morning. 
You can now see the mountain on the other side of the inlet.

This is the 1 mile long river that connects the lake to
Lutik Inlet.  It is full of salmon and dolly varden.

This picture was taken in color, not black and white. 
It is  Chilkoot Lake at the boat launch.

This is Oceanside RV Park.  There is about 10 ft. between each camper,
but they are on the water.  It is just outside of Haines.

Another shot of the river downstream from the other one. 
There are people salmon fishing in the river.
It is forecasted to rain all day tomorrow.  We will head back up the Haines Highway and check out the Katherine Lake Campground in the Kluane National Park.  We looked at it on the way down to Haines and would be nice to canoe if it’s not windy.  It it’s windy, we’ll continue on to Whitehorse, YT on the Alaskan Highway.

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