Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Yellowstone National Park, Mammoth Campground, day 5 More Elk, Losing Fish

Day 80  Friday September 2, 2016                                        Mammoth, day 5

Sat out with coffee.  NO FIRE.  It has been banned due to dry conditions and the hot weather (80s) lately.  I have four bundles of wood to burn.  The ban went into effect yesterday.  Another balmy 58o morning.  Was fairly clear and not smoky either.  Had some blueberry muffins I bought yesterday at the Mammoth gas station when I went to pick up ice.  They were really good.
While we were sitting out with our coffee, an elk and her teen-ager came right in front of us and was eating willow.  Not more than 3 feet away.

Just to indicate how close this elk came, that's Marsha's
foot in the lower left corner, sitting in her chair under the awning.

Her baby came by and joined her.

That's our picnic table in the lower left corner.

The little guy gets the lower stuff.
Then we saw the bull elk.

I don't have a sound track for this photo or you could hear him bugling when this photo was taken.
Went fishing early today at 09:00 in the Gardiner River.  Fished downstream this time.  Caught two excellent fish, one on hopper, other on nymph.  Both fish broke off.  Not throw the hook, but broke the leader.  I was using an old leader from last year.  It was new in an unopened package, but they deteriorate in strength with time.  I had four new ones I bought in West Yellowstone with me too.  Just trying to use up the old ones first.  After the first fish broke off, I should have replaced it.  My fault.  Quit at 12:00 after 3 hours.
Tuna sandwiches for lunch.  The only fish I would hold that day.

We went into Gardiner to fill up one of my small 5 lb. propane bottles I use for my grill or camp stove. Got some groceries, too.  We bought stuff to make burritos for dinner.  And that’s what we did. 
I will be day hiking on a 4.2 mile round trip tomorrow up the Bunsen Peak Trail.  I packed up my new pack that I purchased at REI in Fairbanks.  I’ve been wanting to use it since I bought it.  I will be bringing my Canon digital SLR with me to photograph neat stuff on the trail and views along the way.  I hope none of those photos are a grizzly bear unless I have to zoom real far.  The trail head signs always recommend hiking in groups and carry bear spray.  I met half of the requirements.

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