Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Yellowstone National Park, Mammoth Campground, day 4 Elk and Lamar

Day 79  Thursday September 1, 2016                    Mammoth, day 4

Coffee and fire on a balmy 58o morning.  Cooked sausage, eggs, and hash browns outside on the camp stove for breakfast.  Then we sat out under the awning, reading our electronic book on our Nook and Kindle.  While sitting there, the elk came down the hill and started eating the willow leaves right in front of us in our campsite.

Here they come down the hill.

Mother with offspring.

Just showing how close they get.

Better picture of offspring.


Meet Spike.  He'll grow up to have his own harem some day.
After the elk escapade I went fishing on the Gardner, where I always go.  There were six cars in the parking area.  That’s too many people down there.  Went to the Lamar River in the same spot I went last year.  Spent about one hour there with no luck.  The Lamar is tricky.  There will be tons of fish in a spot one day, and the next day there’s nothing.  You have to move around to find the fish.  I wasn’t up for moving around.  On the way back to the truck, I met a couple from Oregon walking down to the river.  The guy was dressed for fishing, the woman was dressed for watching.  He commented on the We-No-Nah canoe on our truck.  He has the same one.  Said it was all beat up from class III rapids.  I told him mine would never see class III rapids.  That takes some skill.  And we don’t have class III rapids in MI.  He was a steelheader in Oregon.  That’s very popular in Oregon.  He said he hadn’t had much luck this year fishing in Yellowstone.

The Lamar River where I fished this year and last year.  Had better luck last year.

Lamar River looking downstream.

Looking more downstream.

Even more downstream.  I started here and worked my way up.

A view of my truck when I was climbing back up the bluff.
Back at camp had a beer and burgers with jalapenos (a new thing we learned in Montana).

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