Sunday, September 11, 2016

Yellowstone National Park, Mammoth Campground, day 8 Blogging and Pizza

Day 83  Monday Labor Day, September 5, 2016                              Mammoth Campground, day 8

Rained all day.  Sat in camper all day working on the Mammoth blogs.  Posted day 1 and 2 as one post and another post for day 3.  Got a lot done.
Took a break at 17:00 to go to Gardiner.  It was sunny and at the same time it was raining.  There was a bright rainbow against over the cliffs across the way.

Following the north entrance road to Gardiner, Marsha took some photos just for fun.

These mountains are the Gallatin Range.  Last night some snow fell on the higher peaks.

The Roosevelt Arch at the north entrance. 

Went to the grocery store for Montana peppered vodka.  We found it but they couldn’t sell it on a Holiday.  That’s what was used in Marsha’s bloody Mary at Old Faithfull Lodge.  Gassed up at the Conoco station.  And to keep with our tradition, we went to the K-Bar for our last night in Yellowstone.

Lots of Montana plates on the walls.  I liked this one.

Took some more pictures on the way back from Gardiner:
The sign at the end of the main street in Gardiner.

The tourist section of Gardiner.

Old west looking.

A couple of pronghorns hanging out by the side of the road.

The north entrance kiosk.

The north entrance kiosk up close.

North entrance road on the way to Mammoth.

Welcome to Mammoth Hot Springs.

Benson Peak.  The mountain I hiked a couple days ago. 
Campground in foreground.  Mountain is 5 miles from campground.

Looking north to the Gallatin Range from the campground road.

Campground road.

Site 47.

The cliff across the way.  Looking east.

It's our last day in Yellowstone Park.  Tomorrow we return to Baker's Hole Campground south of the town of West Yellowstone, MT.  We will spend 2 nights there.  In mid to late September brown  trout from Hebgen Lake swim into the Madison River to spawn.  Rainbows follow them to eat their eggs.  Rainbows spawn in the spring.  It's a little early, but I would like to see if they are in and try to catch what might be there.

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