Friday, September 18, 2015


Friday September 18, 2018    Day 52    Home,  Grand Haven, MI     547 miles towing

The destination for the day was Johnson-Sauk Trail State Park off of exit 27 on I-80 in Illinois.  We left Clear Lake State Park at 08:00 and the GPS showed us arriving at Johnson-Sauk at 12:30.  We were contemplating continuing on further to make tomorrow’s drive shorter.
We continued on US-18 to US-218, which took us south to Cedar Falls.  Here we picked up I-380 through Cedar Rapids to Iowa City.  All this was to get to I-80 east.  Followed it to exit 27 to get some gas.  This happened to be the exit for Johnson-Sauk Trail State Park.  As we were gassing up, a man approached us and was all excited to see our Oliver.  He had never seen one.  He had an Escape and was camping at the state park.  As I mentioned before, fiberglass RV people are like a cult.  We couldn’t do much to show it off as we were in a congested gas station and we had to get going.

We changed the destination to see how far home was and it said we would arrive at 17:30.  We already had 4.5 hours of driving that day, but decided to go for it. 
The rest of the trip was I-80 across Illinois, then I-94 into Michigan to US-31 to home.  The worse part of the entire trip is around the Chicago area. 

We got home at 18:30 after 52 days on the road.  Total trip milage was 7,597 miles, of which 4,901 was towing.
I will follow up with one more post for this trip with a summary and comments for the whole trip.

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