Friday, June 24, 2016

Glacier National Park

Day 5    Sunday June 19, 2016                  Glacier National Park, Two Medicine Campground, site 98

1st day

We have been to this campground twice over the last two years and this is our third time in three years.  On the way in to the campground we pass a trailhead to Running Eagle Falls and every time we come we say we’ll go check that out and then we leave after a few days without doing that.  So this time it was the first thing we did.  It is a ¼ mile trail along the Two Medicine River to a beautiful waterfall.   You see lots of waterfalls in national parks, especially in the mountains, but this was super excellent.  It took three years, but we finally went to see it.

On the way to the trailhead, we saw this mountain sheep by the side of the road over near the dump station when leaving the campground.

On the way back to the campground we barely caught a photo of a black bear walking into the woods.

Back at the campsite, downloaded the last 5 days of photos into my computer.  This place is so awesome that I must have taken 20 pictures just walking to the fee pipe to insert our camping fee.  Everywhere you look is a picture, and it varies with time of day, sunlight, clouds, precipitation, etc. 

Took a hike with Marsha on a trail that follows the north side of Two Medicine Lake.  A photo around every turn.  Every wildflower, dead trees silhouettes, lake views, and the mountains, and all of the above together.  Marsha likes taking pictures of the colorful flowers.  I can't name the species for you.

This guy was waiting for us at the bridge over the river when we got back:

These ground squirrels are everywhere.

Other neat stuff we saw on the trail:

Met up with two guys in their early 20’s who were hiking the CDT (Continental Divide Trail).  It follows the continental divide from Canada to Mexico, through the Rockies. They started at the Canadian border 10 days ago.  They plan to hike all the way to Mexico by the end of summer.  They also aspire to do the Pacific Crest Trail and the Appalachian Trail within the next few years.  These trails are also 2000+ mile trails. 

Day 6    Monday June 20,2016                  Glacier National Park, Two Medicine Campground, site 98

2nd day

Today was our last day before entering Canada and I had three bundles of firewood to get rid of before we left tomorrow morning.  Can’t take firewood across the border.  We also tried hard to use up any fresh fruits or vegetables.  Sometimes they ask about fruits and veggies and we wanted no hassel.

Made the 1st campfire of the trip this morning to enjoy our morning coffee. 

Then to keep with our Two Medicine tradition, we went to East Glacier Lodge for their breakfast buffet.  We did the same on our last two trips.  It is a nice big oil rustic looking mountain lodge and overlooks the mountains from the dining room.

Then we did laundry.  We brought plenty of clothes, but thought we’d get caught up before going into the boondocks of Canada.  We also went to do laundry because we get a signal there and can get our blogs caught up and posted.  So if I go a long time between posts, it’s because data coverage is hard to come by and will probably be worse in Canada.

Back at camp, sat out in the nice weather under the awning for a while swatting non-stinging bees and flies.  Marsha has “The Exterminator” which looks like a tennis racket, strung with wires that are electrically charged.  When you swing at a bug, it crackles like a bug zapper.

I took a 3 mile round trip walk along the lake, almost to the other end.  Here’s some photos:

 Bear grass was very common in this area

When I got back, cleaned and stacked all the remaining firewood from the truck that I was stockpiling.  Burned another bundle, but ended up leaving one behind.  Didn’t want to drop it off at the border.  They always ask if you have firewood.  I’d rather leave it for someone who could use it.  It was a bundle left over from the Smokies trip in April.

Reconnected the trailer to get ready for an early morning escape to Banff National Park in Alberta, Canada.  Took this picture of the trailer early the next morning before we left.  That’s my trailer on the right.  The Flagstaff trailer on the left is in the site we had last year.

This blog is being sent from the Visitor Center in Fort Nelson, British Columbia on June 24th.  Internet is very hard to come by.  Thet have WiFi here.  It is a hundred miles between towns and there is no cell data coverage anywhere.  Once in a while in the big towns, might get a phone signal.  So it may be a few days between posts.

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